Tuesday 13 March 2012



From the block diagram, the operation start when the rat detect by the motion detector. Then the signal is send to the main unit in order to On the Ultrasonic circuit at the small unit. The rat is chase away by the Ultrasonic sensor that produces 30KHz to 60KHz of the frequency. This frequency only the rat can hear and cannot harm the human being.  This product is use a transmitter and receiver to send the signal and receive the signal. For this transmitter and receiver, Radio Frequency (315MHz) is use. This study will review the reaction of the mouse when the Ultrasonic circuit is switch ON. Electronic components have played an important role in the ultrasonic rats repelled. The ultrasonic circuit will be impossible to implement without the electronic components. Therefore, in this project the several components have been used such as ultrasonic sensors, ICs, transmitter, speaker, indicator and basic components like capacitors and resistors.By doing the small unit it can save energy because the system only ON when it detect the movement of the rat. Then the main units active the ultrasonic circuit to produce high frequency after get signal from small unit. The ultrasonic circuit is at the small unit. It only ON after detect the movement of the rat. 


From the flowchart, the process of rat repellent is start when the small units detect the rat by the motion detector sensor. This system must be powered ‘ON’ for supplying the sensor, microcontroller, receiver and the transmitter. It will begin when the rat is detected by the motion detector and then the RF transmitter sends the signal to the main unit. Next the main unit is receive the signal by the RF receiver and the microcontroller ON the ultrasonic circuit at the small unit and drives away the rat at the area. The timer is setting to on and off the ultrasonic circuit in order to save the energy.

1)      RF receiver 315MHz
2)   Microcontroller 

RF Receiver circuit

1)      Motion detector sensor 
2)      RF transmitter 315MHz 
3)      Ultrasonic circuit

 RF Transmitter circuit

Ultrasonic circuit 

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