Monday, 27 February 2012



The objective of this project comprises of the following:
  • To develop the current rat repellent in market.
  • To find and study about the frequency of the rats. 
  • To find and study about ultrasonic and its application in drives the pests away including the relevant theories.
  • To design new rats repellent that more efficient to chase away the rats.
  • To find out relevant ultrasonic and other components that will be use in this project. 
  • To test the signal conditioning circuits and analysis the data obtained. 
  • To test the ultrasonic rats repelled on the rats and evaluate its behavior 

Rats bring many problems to the human being for centuries. Various methods like trapping, glue boards, live traps, toxic bait and others were used to kill the rats that infest our home. Those methods can be done but unfortunately, it will also make the human being in danger. Therefore, other technique that is much safer to human being is needed to repel those rodents away from our area.
In this project, ultrasonic was chosen to evict away the rats. Ultrasonic sensor has been successfully used in non destructive testing and also widely used in medical imaging such in monitoring inside human body, fetus, health and breast cancer. But in real life, ultrasonic usage is not very familiar to drives the rats away. Moreover, this techniques research in repel those rodents is still in development stage. Indeed, this project is to create a suitable system to drives the pests away which is rats.
This non-invasive method provides the ultrasonic sound with easy installation and portable convenience. The installation of the ultrasonic rat’s repelled system will not interrupt the hearing of human being. Beside, all the benefit supports the ultrasonic rat’s repelled to be chosen over other invasive system. This project also has the potential of contribution into the improvement in driving pests away.

The main benefit is:                    
  • Give the people a product that can repel the rat by using ultrasonic without give harm the human being 
  • More effective product to drive away the rat.   
  • Can be use at home with safely.  
  • To give the product that more efficient to drive away the mouse.

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